What can be said about Pat that he hasn’t already said himself? By far the most eccentric player in all of Sega Hockey world, Pat let’s everyone know about his enduring love for Chicago Forward Jeremy Roenick. This admiration and sometimes down right scary devotion to an individual player is what prompted Pat to up and move to ‘Chi-town’. After mediocre high school play, Pat blossomed into the nations most dominate force by the end of the decade. He contends to have held the belt longer and more times than anyone else, but that is easily done when one moves 7 hours away.
A sheer mad man when it comes to trash talking, Pat is an individual that no one wants to see win it all because you will hear about it all year long. Whether it’s intense drunk hate messages left at 5am, or an e-mail degrading his opponents, Pat loves to stir up the pot. In the fall of 2004 Pat had to be physically restrained at a local bar from violently attacking fellow competitor Blair. A restraining order was placed and Pat was ordered by the league to undergo psycho-therapy. He has since been cleared to compete but has only competed in non-sanctioned games since loosing the belt back in Segathon 2005.
Career Highlights:
Career Highlights:
2000-2002 Belt Holder
2004 Segathon Champion
2005 Segathon Runner-Up
Career Lowlights:
Career Lowlights:
Any time he Talks
2005 Championship Series (5 Goals for – 18 Goals Against)