Mitä sinulle kuuluu? I think the above are fellow Finn’s judging by the Beer they are drinking. You probably know them…
I am trying to work in some Finnish phrases but Google can only take me so far. So forgive me all is done in fun so don’t tell me to Haista vittu. (which I don’t mind doing if she’s hot)
Greetings Fellow NHL 95 Brothers from another Mother,
We wish you good luck on your upcoming Tournament and here are of the Top 10 Tips for you
- Controller and Chair selection should be done on an argument basis to encourage poor sportsmanship and increase excuses. I know Antti is a Kuin perseeseen ammuttu karhu when he does not get the “good” controller
- Do not play games in the Sauna, we tried in a Hot Tub once and almost died. Also if Valtteri’ asks you to Viedä saunan taakse. Don’t do it, he will kill you…for real. I think he’s a werewolf.
Aren’t Werewolves National Animal of Finland?
- If Teemu Scores at any point everyone should do a shot of Salmiakk. Jarmo should do 2.
Actually I take that back Jarmo doesn’t need any more booze.
- If any other Famous Finn scores Like Jari, Teppo or Esa, the should be a group drink! You all may be looking Hymyillä kuin Naantalin aurinko
- Lauri should get an extra trophy for almost winning with the San Jose Sharks last year.
- We congratulate last year’s winner Ossi, But we should of warned him how his life will be destroyed by this perfect game that is NHL 95. Being a champion of NHL 95 comes with a curse.
- Just look at Aki, he is just like us in USA. The championships have made him a lunatic. We now live in caves and worship Donald Trump’s vampire children. Harri we have warned you, no need to make the dangerous trek from Helsinki every year.
Harri please sleep in Helsinki Cathedral until the games are over.
- Hope you received our present a helper monkey named “Kovalenko” whose job it is to set up and take down the tvs, grab beers, work the spreadsheets.
But we did send the monkey 2 weeks ago and if you haven’t received it is probably dead or stolen by a terrorist organization
- Sorry for no video, but can’t get the gang together until next week and don’t want it to be Juosten kustu
- Also just so you know we were naked when we wrote this letter